
TPR #4

August 28, 2008
Janelle Monae

Janelle Monae

For this edition, we have songs by the Faint and new pop star Janelle Monae. Respectively, “The Geeks Were Right,” and “Many Moons” are the latest favorite songs. We also have a a phone call with Erik and Ruth where a first try goes wrong and then for the rest, Ruth’s audio gets clipped (that’s the distorted sound). Finally, we have encounters with two people from UR Chicago Magazine while at the Raven Fest and an interview with playwright Sharon Greene. The interview was very fun, with Sharon being very open and smart. We sat at Winnemac Park and talked about her new full length “Fake Lake,” the Neo-Futurists and being out, as well as “post-queer.” Erik’s still wondering about this term–if it is a new era in the queer rights movement, TPR needs to know!

Think Pink Radio – 8/28/08

One comment

  1. I really enjoy the format…great show and Janelle is fierce!

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