Posts Tagged ‘day without a gay’


Today Is Day Without A Gay

December 10, 2008


It’s December 10th, 2008 and it’s the first Day Without A Gay where you are supposed to call in “gay” to work…hm. Should I even be writing anything today, then? Today’s event has really brought up a lot of issues for me. The NYT had a whole article about how Prop 8 has created a new wave of gay rights activists, and I’ve seen that to be true. At the same time, any one of my four part-time jobs does not provide me sick or personal days, and I can’t afford a day without pay. Not to say that this Day Without A Gay is classist, but if I could call in gay, my phone would already have lube on it. Finally another thing this brought up for me is the simple, bare bones activism of being out. Remember in “Milk” when he told everyone to tell their families? That sentiment is at the core of Day Without A Gay, and a great idea to revisit. Are you gay today?