Posts Tagged ‘money aint a thing’


Lester Greene – Hip Hop Pickle Surprise

April 1, 2009


Oh man, I’m so excited about Lester Greene. You know how most people have left myspace and now only use it to listen to new music? Well splish-splashing in the sea of mediocre adds (I do check out all queer bands that friend TPR) was Lester Greene, an MC and producer. Dripping with personality, not since Johnny Dangerous have I seen such bravado: this guy’s chest puffing reaches DD cups, and luckily he has the skills to back it up. Tracks like “Swerve” actually do twist and turn around the backbeat, and when Greene busts out the auto-tune, he sounds like the best Kanye and T-Pain moments put together. And in case you didn’t know he could kid around, his album will be called “No Bush, Straight Dicks.” Check out some downloads below, and show him some love on the myspace.

Lester Greene – Money Ain’t A Thing
Move It Around