Posts Tagged ‘politics’


Bound to Struggle

January 5, 2009


Bound to Struggle is a Chicago-based zine founded by Simon Strikeback of Actor Slash Model. It is attempting to be a place ” where kink and radical politics meet.” Volume 3 was just released and is available for purchase for $5 dollars. This zine is classicly printed and distributed via regular mail, and accepts submissions for content. The myspace asks “Does radical politics inform how you do kink? Has kink taught you ways to be a better activist or political thinker? Can the non-physical mechanics of kink (notions of consent, etc.) effect the nitty-gritty mechanics of an action bloc or campaign fight? Do conscientious ideas of environmentalism, anti-sexism, racism, able-ism, classism, gender-ism, etc. figure into the negotiating process of your scenes or relationships? How do you talk about power? Where do these ideas meet action and how do they affect our lives?” Head on over, the table of contents is listed in the blog section of the myspace.


September 18, 2008

Image by Jill Greenberg at

A new site has just gone live that can really help you cut through the shit for the upcoming debates. The tool lets you find out more about which issues are important to you, learn where each candidate stands on those issues, then decide who best represents your interests. Then, and this may be the coolest part, once each debate happens, the tool will pull video snippets for you (from that debate) based on which issues you’re most interested in. So you can watch the whole debate, but, also, if for example “Iraq” were your key issue, any time Obama or McCain mention it, your tool will populate with video snippets of their mention of it, so you can review exactly what they said about it, to again decide who is best addressing your concerns.

Head over to and inform yourself.

Debate Schedule:

September 26, 2008: Presidential debate with domestic policy focus, University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS (Tickets)
October 2, 2008: Vice Presidential debate, Washington University, St. Louis, MO (Tickets)
October 7, 2008: Presidential debate in a town hall format, Belmont University, Nashville, TN (Tickets)
October 15, 2008: Presidential debate with foreign policy focus, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY (Tickets)


Tim Gunn Tells Candidates to Make It Work

February 6, 2008


…not kidding. Here’s a quote:

“I think Hillary should be taking a lesson from Nancy Pelosi, I really do. She, for me, is fashion on the Hill. She has a femininity yet a professionalism, and she has style. She’s also not afraid to be a woman, and she celebrates it. She’s not ever remotely vulgar or provocative in what she wears, but I have to say, she’s a very sexy woman.”

Go Tim!

–Stinky Pinky